Do not build up obstacles in your own imagination. Depreciate every so-called obstacle. Minimize them. Difficulties must be studied and efficiently dealt with to be eliminated, but they must be seen for only what they are. They must not be inflated by fear thoughts. – Norman Vincent Peale
Challenge fear thoughts. Many great people attempt many great things when they can look fear in the face. What is holding you back?
Not much holds me back….as you well know. But, as a pleaser, I do avoid judgement of others. I am likely to restrain myself when put in a position to be discussed by peers and neighbors. In the presence of strangers and close friends, I tackle this insecurity well. I am thinking perhaps hypnosis might cure my ail. Does your degree certify you in this arena? Let’s do a practice mantra…..”You can sing karaoke” ….repeat
“You can sing karaoke” We will have to give it a try. I really enjoyed your post! Many of us pleasers do fear the judgement of others. You are not alone! It is our insecurity that usually holds us back. Any time we put ourselves out there, we do risk criticism and judgement from others, however, we are usually our own biggest critics. It is also my belief that those who are the most critical of us, do not want to look at themselves. As I write new posts for this blog, I feel a sense of vulnerability that goes with exposure, but how am so suppose to teach the life lessons that I believe in, if I am unable to push through the vulnerability? As always, your comments prompt me to stretch further. Thank you. Let Life In Practices
I’ll join in the mantra (but I sing off-tune.)
I like to look at obstacles as ways to build mental muscles. No matter how you get past the obstacle (go around it, through it, over it, dig under it) you have to use muscle to do it.
I always feel better after a great workout.
I always feel better after a great workout too. I love the way you view obstacles- So very healthy and true.