How we spend downtime moments really does impact on our happiness doesn’t it. The way we spend time with ourselves is just as, perhaps even more important than the time that we spend with others. And how we treat ourselves during these down times reflects alot about how we really feel about ourselves. Are we kind, are we critical? Are we gentle, are we harsh? Lots of food for thought here, as ever, Kristin.
Love this, Kristin! (Wait…don’t I love all your stuff? LOL)
Scott and I like to tell our kids that our bodies are merely extensions of our brains. Whatever they want to be, we say, THINK IT first. It may be difficult in the beginning, but the next step is to ACT as if it is already done. Before they know it, they are exactly what they thought they’d be when they look back. “Wow, Mom, I can do it!” I often hear. Yeah, of course. That’s how we’re made.
“Programming” the brain is everything. Simply do not give thought energy to the things you don’t want to have in your life, but rather “brainwash” yourself into the things you do want. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become reality. Be the reality you want by thinking it first.
Easy peasy. 🙂
PS — We are loving our downtime! I’m sure you are too.
Shannon, I love this! Yes, programming the brain is so important. We are really enjoying some down time with family. I am glad you are, too. Happy New Year !
Several years ago, I had this unforgettable epiphany moment, when I realized that if a person who loved me talked to me the way I was talking to myself at the time, I wouldn’t believe they really cared about me– so I had to face the fact that it was me who didn’t love me enough to treat me as well as I deserved. I still think about that moment frequently; it’s a good reminder to focus on loving myself.
What an important epiphany. I often tell people to look at a picture of themselves as a child. Then ask yourself, ” Would I say that to that child?” Good for you! Happy New Year to you!
How we spend downtime moments really does impact on our happiness doesn’t it. The way we spend time with ourselves is just as, perhaps even more important than the time that we spend with others. And how we treat ourselves during these down times reflects alot about how we really feel about ourselves. Are we kind, are we critical? Are we gentle, are we harsh? Lots of food for thought here, as ever, Kristin.
So true, Corinne. I always look forward to your comments.
Love this, Kristin! (Wait…don’t I love all your stuff? LOL)
Scott and I like to tell our kids that our bodies are merely extensions of our brains. Whatever they want to be, we say, THINK IT first. It may be difficult in the beginning, but the next step is to ACT as if it is already done. Before they know it, they are exactly what they thought they’d be when they look back. “Wow, Mom, I can do it!” I often hear. Yeah, of course. That’s how we’re made.
“Programming” the brain is everything. Simply do not give thought energy to the things you don’t want to have in your life, but rather “brainwash” yourself into the things you do want. Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become reality. Be the reality you want by thinking it first.
Easy peasy. 🙂
PS — We are loving our downtime! I’m sure you are too.
Shannon, I love this! Yes, programming the brain is so important. We are really enjoying some down time with family. I am glad you are, too. Happy New Year !
Several years ago, I had this unforgettable epiphany moment, when I realized that if a person who loved me talked to me the way I was talking to myself at the time, I wouldn’t believe they really cared about me– so I had to face the fact that it was me who didn’t love me enough to treat me as well as I deserved. I still think about that moment frequently; it’s a good reminder to focus on loving myself.
What an important epiphany. I often tell people to look at a picture of themselves as a child. Then ask yourself, ” Would I say that to that child?” Good for you! Happy New Year to you!
Happy New Year to you too, Kristin!!
Karen has very positive messages on her blog. Just like you do, Kristin. Very uplifting.
Anneli, Thank you so much for all of your support. You have helped make my first year as a blogger a rewarding one. Happy New Year!
Works both ways. Happy New Year to you too.
Reblogged this on abstramification and commented:
Wise words to live by indeed!
Thank you so much for sharing this post. Happy New Year to you!
I love Karen! She’s a wonderful person with a glorious mind and insane talent!
I agree with you. Happy New Year!
Inspirational. Awesome post.
Ivsrao, Happy New Year!
Hi Kristin
I linked to you today from soulsnet. Hope you will visit and enjoy. The post is about downtime and it was inspired by your post.
Happy new year