Reblogged this on Teacher as Transformer and commented:
I am headed back to bed. I think I am fighting another bout of the flu. Doesn’t seem as bad as last time, but still… I thought I would leave this with me for the day and moving down the road. What if I took a moment and listened. Pause before I jump in there for of judgement.
Nice very nice. Now try not to judge at all. a ate any judgment that you can. Try with meals, just enjoy without judging or comparing to any other meal. A neutral place
Not judging things or people has freed me to let them exist on their own. Freeing.
It would certainly be a more understanding and compassionate world. 🙂
Reblogged this on Young Nation.
Thank you so much for sharing this with your readers. I think it is important.
Reblogged this on Teacher as Transformer and commented:
I am headed back to bed. I think I am fighting another bout of the flu. Doesn’t seem as bad as last time, but still… I thought I would leave this with me for the day and moving down the road. What if I took a moment and listened. Pause before I jump in there for of judgement.
Ivon, Thank you for sharing this with your readers. I hope that you feel better soon.
I am hungry and tired; always good signs.
Being hungry is a good sign. I hope that you are feeling better.
I am Kristin. I felt all the good wishes across the digital universe and that helped.
Indeed. Ditto that.
Nice very nice. Now try not to judge at all. a ate any judgment that you can. Try with meals, just enjoy without judging or comparing to any other meal. A neutral place
Not judging things or people has freed me to let them exist on their own. Freeing.
Very freeing, indeed!
It’s amazing that people don’t already do these things. It seems so common-sense. But we all need reminding sometimes.
A lot of people don’t. Have a great weekend, Anneli.
Four excellent rules to live by!
I think so, too!
Reblogged this on Wholeheartedness and commented:
Whoa! The entire world would change… 😀
Yes, the world would change. Thank you for sharing!
great words to live by (~_~)
The workplace, the homelife and just our random connection with people would be ultimately different. Perhaps a glimpse of what heaven will be like.