I liked this and thought that I would share it with you this morning. I added my own P.S. to the bottom. Have a terrific day!
Originally posted on HAPPSTERS
Repeat after the puppy below: I am who I am. Your approval is not needed.
Don’t waste time trying to impress others.
The right people will love the real you.
Stay silly.
You were born an individual.
You are fabulous exactly the way you are.
Don’t be afraid to be you.♥
P.S. Be happy with who you are, but try to stay open to growth and change! Rather than trying to constantly seek approval from others, focus on being the best version of you! Experience the excellence in you that has been there all along!
Love it!
Thanks. I love it, too!
Love it! Thanks Kristin!!
You are so welcome! I really love it, too.
Yes I AM! And so are you.
Thank you! I agree.