“People don’t care about your intentions. They care about what you do. The IRS doesn’t care if you meant to pay your taxes; your child doesn’t care that you meant to fix dinner; the people in the crosswalk are not at all comforted that you meant to stop. What matters, what determines the script of your life, is what you do.” – Phillip McGraw, Ph.D., Life Strategies
As we approach the new year, start thinking about the baby steps that you can take to improve your life, improve the life of another, or make our world a better place.
It is about what you DO. Life really does reward action!
It often begins with a small baby step.
Reblogged this on What I see, what I feel, what I'd like to see… and commented:
Thanks for the great reminder…
Thank you for all of your support. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I may need a little more coaching after the holidays:)
A good beginning for the new year.
I wish you health and happiness into the new year.
This is SO true! Very nice blog! 🙂
Thank you, Jaz. Happy holidays!
Good Post. Very Nice.
We learn that God has given us the strength to endure and that we really do have worth.
Let us learn
To walk together,
Talk together,
Work together,
Love together,
And live together.
Lets welcome the year which is Fresh and New,
Lets Cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this Blissful Year 2013…..
Wishing you a
Happy New Year
And a Great Year ahead !!
I love this! Thank you.