Doing what depression makes you feel like doing can have you quickly spiraling down hill in a direction that you never intended to go.

You are not depression and depression is not you. But depression can attack you.ย Depression is a sneaky little character that will change the way you think, feel, and behave. Depression is a parasite that attaches itself to you and attempts to suck the life out of you.
Depression is very real, but it is not your friend. It will betray you- if you let it.
Depression may tell you that you do not have the energy to go exercise even though research tells us that exercise can decrease it’s symptoms. Depression is a smart little guy. Depression knows that exercise will decrease it’s power over you and make you stronger. Depression knows that exercise may kill it just as water melted the Wicked Witch of the West. Depression cackles ย in your ear and in every other part of your body, “You don’t feel good enough to exercise, my pretty!”
Depression may tell you to isolate yourself from others. If you listen to depression, guess what will happen? I bet you guessed it. Depression will grow stronger and you will grow physically weaker and weaker becoming more depressed.
Depression may tell you to pull the blinds down and avoid the beautiful sunshine. It may tell you to just go ahead and stay in your pajamas all day. Heck, it might even tell you to stay in bed all day. And guess what happens? You guessed it again. You become more depressed. Depression becomes even stronger and your energy level dives even lower.
Depression may tell you that you don’t even have the energy to make it to a doctor or a therapist. Depression hates doctors and therapists. Depression is scared that your doctor or therapist may help you send it away.
Depression may even whisper suicidal thoughts into your mind. It may tell you that you are worthless. Depression lies. Oh, that evil depression.
No, depression just can’t be trusted!
But you can be. You can be trusted to fight the beast within. Depression doesn’t define you. Don’t let it own you. You are not helpless, you are not hopeless, and you certainly aren’t worthless.
Fight depression by doing the opposite of what the depression is telling you to do.
When depression tells you to stop exercising or doing activities that you have always enjoyed, do them anyway.
When depression tells you to isolate yourself from others, seek support.
When depression tells you to pull the blinds down and stay in bed all day, force yourself to get up, shower, get dressed, and go get some fresh air.
When depression tells you to skip that doctor’s appointment. Go!
When depression tells you that you are all alone, pray/meditate. Have faith that you are never alone- you always have God on your team.
When depression tells you that you have nothing to live for, go find something. Go help someone else. Depression is lying to you again.
And if depression sinks so low that it tells you that you are helpless, hopeless, and worthless, or it tells you to give up and hurt yourself, call 911 immediately. You need additional back up to fight this enemy.
When depression has you feeling so bad that you don’t feel like exercising, spending time with friends, or getting out of bed, you may want to repeat these words to yourself…“I can do what I am currently doing and continue to feel the way that I am feeling, or I can do exactly what I don’t feel like doing and I may begin to feel better.”
Don’t fall for the things depression tells you. You are far too wonderful for that. Challenge those destructive messages. Do the work it takes and get the help you need so that you can be you without the depression. You are worth it!
*This is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice. Please consult your physician immediately if you have been feeling hopeless,helpless, or have been experiencing suicidal thoughts. It is also recommended that you talk to your physician before beginning any type of exercise program.
this is an amazing post! it’s so hard to find words that help others who are struggling with depression. this reaches them from a totally new angle, and it will surely help! i will bookmark this and pass it on when others that i know are struggling.
thank you so much!
I am glad that you like my approach! Thanks for your comments! ๐
this post should help many people. i really liked the way you presented this ‘affliction that torments so many people.
Great post. Thanks, Kristin.
Thank you, Anneli.
Love this and especially love the part about God being on our team ๐ Thanks for another great post.
Thanks, Brian. God is on our team! ๐
This is really very helpful Kristin. Thanks for sharing such an informative post… ๐
You are so welcome!
I can relate to this in the sense that, if I am feeling depressed, it is probably because I am refusing some opportunity to act more consistently with who I am — maybe, for instance, I am holding back from telling somebody the truth about how I feel — and taking that action, or even just being around another person, can shift how I feel.
So true, Chris! This shift is important. If our actions are not consistent with our values and beliefs we will have a difficult time experiencing peace. We may even become depressed. Great insight. Have a nice weekend.
Reblogged this on The Musings of Lady Gwendolynn and commented:
I don’t trust Depression and neither should anyone else, that is for sure. I know from personal experience the truth of that.
Reblogged this on Wholeheartedness and commented:
Awesome post, Kristin…
Thank you, Todd. ๐
Awesome post! So true!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing a link to my post!