Waking up this morning, the sun greets me as it shines down between the branches of the dogwood tree. Outside my window, the roses are in full bloom looking more vibrant than I can remember in recent years. After a really busy week, I pause long enough to appreciate the moment and soak up the beauty that is so often lost in the stresses of everyday life. I am deliberate about what I let in. Resentments from the past and worries about tomorrow will not be allowed to occupy any part of my mind this morning. Instead, I will fill my mind with blessings both big and small. It is a conscious choice.
On a day like this, I must admit, it is easy. It is Saturday. A beautiful Saturday. The temperature is in the mid 60s and expected to go up to near 80 degrees. The birds are chirping and a gentle breeze brings in the fragrance of the rose blooms. My golden retriever, Daisy, greets me with a smile (she really does smile) as I pour myself a cup of coffee. Sitting down to write this, I think of a Maya Angelou quote, “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.”
Hi Kristin. …. Just sitting down for my morning cup of coffee. I love the quote and have not heard this one before
Have a wonderful Saturday
“morning.. the most memorable season of the day, is the awakening hour…. and for a moment some part of us awakens which slumbers the rest of the day and night…’ ‘morning is when i am awake, and there is a dawn in me…’ (thoreau)
ah, kristin! reading your post was like reading one of my emails to a friend! once a friend wrote and said, ‘what’s wrong? you’re not telling me how many colors of blue are in the sky and which way the wind is blowing..’ i wrote back and said i was in a hurry but just wanted to let her know i was ok.
how we embrace the beginning of the day will affect the rest of the day! enjoy your day and the weekend!
“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.”
i love this quote!!
Another great day, David! 🙂
Beginners mind
My two and half year old grandson comes upon something for the first time with amazement.
The computer side of the mind does not know what this new thing is initially. It does not know where to file it.
Wonderment soothes our spirit.
As meditate tours we strive to cultivate beginners mind with this mature, adult brain we possess.
Wonderment soothes the soul! So true!