Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed, MSW, LCSW Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm -Ralph Waldo Emerson Do everything you do with enthusiasm! Whether you are a teacher, custodian, electrician, or sales associate be the best that you can be. No matter what … [Read more...]
The Power of Encouragement and Positive Expectancy
by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed., MSW, LCSW Business Leaders, Educators, and Parents...... You have more power than you may know. By truly believing in someone and encouraging their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth, they are more likely to live up to those … [Read more...]
Life Lessons: Losing the Game Doesn’t Make You a Loser
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell M.Ed, MSW, LCSW Success doesn’t look like an inclined plane. It looks more like a staircase with two steps up, one step back, two steps up, one step back. If you do not stop climbing when you take a step back, you will get to where you are … [Read more...]
Feeling Alone on Valentine’s Day: Help is on the Way!
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell M.Ed, MSW, LCSW Do you anticipate being alone this Valentine's Day? While there are people who do not care to recognize the holiday and others who are more than happy to spend the day alone, there are others who find the day filled with … [Read more...]
Practice a Healthy Perspective
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed, MSW, LCSW Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement, nothing can be done without hope and confidence. - Helen Keller Several years ago I was facilitating a group and the topic of discussion that day was personal strengths. I … [Read more...]