How emotionally mature are you?
Below you will find the criteria of emotional maturity created by Dr. William C. Menninger.
- The ability to deal constructively with reality.
- The capacity to adapt to change.
- A relative freedom from symptoms that are produced by tensions and anxieties.
- The capacity to find more satisfaction in giving than receiving.
- The capacity to relate to other people in a consistent manner with mutual satisfaction and helpfulness.
- The capacity to sublimate, to direct one’s instinctive hostile energy into creative and constructive outlets.
- The capacity to love.
-William C. Menninger, MD 1899-1966
How emotionally mature are you? Are there changes you would make to Dr. Menninger’s emotional maturity criteria? His criteria was published almost 50 years ago. Was he off track? Thoughts?
Hi Kristin, just back from a three week trip abroad. I like and agree with Dr. Menninger’s points. He presents a good list to measure oneself by.
I hope you had a great trip!
This list gave me a sense of relief, as the past two weeks presented unique challenges. i adapted easily to the reality that my little place at the beach had to come down… i met with officials and saw things thru their viewpoint and did what they asked without making trouble or asking ,’well what about —‘…
i have always enjoyed transferring my stress to the other end of a shovel – or for a short while when we were stuck in the river – to the end of a pick axe! that relieved all stress and made us all laugh!
giving has always been easy.
thanks, amiga.
Z- It does not surprise me that giving is easy for you. Sounds like you are doing well in the emotional maturity department! I hope the challenges ease up!
Important post! kudos~
Thank you, Cindy! Love your posts! Have a great weekend.
I’d probably add compassion.
Yes, good one!
Great one Kristin.. Love it 🙂
Thank you, Aviral. 🙂
The greatest philosopher and social scientist that ever walked this earth , once said: “Love thy neighbor as thy elf”. It seems the late Dr. Menninger agreed.
These points still seem to be good ones today.
I agree.
Happiest of New Years to you and your family Kristin!
Thank you so much, Cindy. Happy New Year to you!