Resentment: The Destructive Joy Thief Within
C.S. Lewis said, “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing the monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.”
Have feelings of resentment decreased the joy in your life? Do you spend a lot of time dwelling on past hurts? Do you feel more anger than peace? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have more power than you think. The only thing worse than someone hurting you in the past, is you continuing to hurt yourself in the present by refusing to let go.
There are many different patterns of behavior that hold us back from being the person we want to be. But one of the most common and destructive things that we can do to ourselves is to hold on to past grievances. When we are full of bitterness, there is no place for love to dwell. When we are full of resentment, we become a bitter shell of who we are meant to be.
In order to grow as a person and get your life moving in the right direction, you have to decide to release the bitterness from within. The toxic grudge isn’t hurting the person who harmed you; it is poisoning only you and the people who are trying to love you. Yes, that is right. The people who are trying to love you really do suffer if you are holding on to resentment from the past.
You cannot alter the past, but you can build on today. Let go of thoughts of retaliation and use that energy to move forward in a new direction. It is important to realize that you are no longer a victim but a strong resilient human being, capable of amazing things. Letting go is realizing that the person who hurt you may have once been hurt in the same way. Wounded people often wound others. Resentment won’t heal your wounds. Forgiveness and letting go will.
Letting go is refusing to allow the harmful act to occupy a permanent place in your mind and heart. Letting go is removing the chains that bind you.
Letting go is a precious gift to yourself.
Author’s Note to You
If you have been full of resentment, letting go probably won’t happen overnight. It is a daily practice. It is making a conscious choice every morning when you get up to let in the good in life. When your mind goes back to bitter thoughts, notice them without judging them, and intentionally let them go. Let them move right by like they are luggage on a conveyor belt. Watch the old baggage slide right by and then intentionally focus on the good things in the present moment. I hope this helps! Remember, you are strong! Don’t allow resentment to tear you down! It is a choice. If you would like techniques to help you let go, check out my book, The Snowball Effect: How to Build Positive Momentum in Your Life. It is available in both soft cover and kindle version. Don’t forget to check out The Snowball Effect on Facebook for a dose of inspiration.
Have a great day! Kristin
Thank you for this inspirational post. Letting go is sometimes hard to do, but, in order to move on to forgiveness, it is essential. Sitting in a cave licking one’s wounds denies us the healing power of the light.
Very important points here. This paralyzes so many people. It has done this to me at times. Let. It. Go!