Make a conscious decision to look for what is right and pleasing in others. Create a new habit of complimenting those around you. Decide that you're going to disregard stereotypes, and refuse to engage in conversations that dwell on judging anyone. Turn judgments into blessings … [Read more...]
What Do You Tune Into?
"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." -Wayne Dyer Recently a friend of mine told me a fable about a man and his dog. The man got up early one morning and took his golden retriever to the bay to fetch sticks. The man had never done this before and … [Read more...]
Silence is Golden
With all of the holiday season hussle and bussle, I have spent very little time in silence. It would be very easy for me to spew out dozens of reasons why I could not make this happen, but when it boils right down to it, there is only one explanation. I have not made it a … [Read more...]
A Winning Formula
What do you choose to see? If you view the glass half empty, your focus will be on that which you do not have. If you view the glass half full, you will feel grateful for that which you have. Perspective, my friend, perspective. It really is the key to happiness. What … [Read more...]