by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed., MSW, LCSW Business Leaders, Educators, and Parents...... You have more power than you may know. By truly believing in someone and encouraging their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth, they are more likely to live up to those … [Read more...]
Parents: Discipline Without Shame
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed, MSW, LCSW What'ers begun in anger ends in shame. -Benjamin Franklin Katie knocks over the lamp and her mother responds, "How can you be so stupid!" Tony forgets to bring his basketball to practice again. His father yells in front of the … [Read more...]
Part Two: Not a True Comparison
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed, MSW, LCSW When you compare yourself to others it is not a true comparison. You are comparing what you know about yourself on the inside; your fears, your insecurities, your past mistakes, and your short-comings, to your perception of … [Read more...]
Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell, M.Ed, MSW, LCSW It was a picture of a tree, laden with beautiful blossoms looking as if they were about to bloom, that caught my eye. The colors were radiant making the entire drawing come to life. The artist, a young-looking twelve-year-old … [Read more...]
Life Lessons: Losing the Game Doesn’t Make You a Loser
Written by Kristin Barton Cuthriell M.Ed, MSW, LCSW Success doesn’t look like an inclined plane. It looks more like a staircase with two steps up, one step back, two steps up, one step back. If you do not stop climbing when you take a step back, you will get to where you are … [Read more...]