Donald Winnicott (1896-1971), an English pediatrician, researcher, and psychoanalyst, teaches- You don't have to be the perfect parent, but if you are good enough, your child will grow up feeling good enough. In a Psychology Today article published on July 15, 2014, Susan … [Read more...]
Before You React, Ride the Wave of Emotion.
In that small space between the event and your response, remind yourself to "ride the wave of emotion." When an upsetting even occurs, if we can just stop for a moment, identify the emotions that we are feeling, accept them without judging them, and remind ourselves that they … [Read more...]
Emotional Regulation for Toddlers
You are in the check out aisle at the grocery store and your little sweet pea sees a lollipop that looks like zebra. You know instantly that you are in BIG trouble. Little Sally not only loves lollipops, she is crazy about zebras. "Zebra!" she says with bright eyes. You know … [Read more...]