Pornography This post is not written to shame anyone who views pornography. It is a post free of opinion and moral judgement. The sole purpose of this post is to inform readers of the risks involved in viewing internet pornography. As a therapist, I am seeing more and more … [Read more...]
Hint: You AREN’T the Enemy.
Do you feel like your most sought-after personal goals are always just on the horizon, but never quite attainable? Maybe you beat yourself up each time you "fail" and say things like, " I always do this," or "It's all my fault." And even when you do get back up on the horse, … [Read more...]
Letting Go of Harsh Self-Judgments: The Eight Steps to Change. Step 4.
So you've acknowledged what you want to change, become deeply aware of your self-critical habits, and started to catch yourself in the act when you beat yourself up. Now it's time to become your own self-parent and stop yourself from making harsh self-judgments. It may sound a … [Read more...]
A Dieter’s Biggest Mistake
A Dieter's Biggest Mistake No Shades of Grey- "I have already screwed it up." You eat one doughnut and think to yourself, "Hey, I already screwed up my diet for today so I might as well eat the whole box." You eat several cookies and decide to finish the whole bag … [Read more...]
Don’t Allow Another Person To Determine Your Worth
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