So you’ve acknowledged what you want to change, become deeply aware of your self-critical habits, and started to catch yourself in the act when you beat yourself up. Now it’s time to become your own self-parent and stop yourself from making harsh self-judgments. It may sound a little odd, the idea of parenting yourself, but believe me, this is exactly the attitude you need to take!
Just as you would step in and tell your child to stop if he or she were bullying another child, you tell yourself to stop putting you down. Emotionally healthy caregivers provide children with encouragement, validation, structure, discipline, comfort, acceptance and unconditional love. You may not have gotten these things from your caregivers as a child, but it is now time to be your own healthy parent. Insist that you are kind to you!
If you haven’t already, check out steps 1, 2 and 3 below!
i might not comment often, but i always enjoy your posts! yesterday’s was important as well; i tend to enjoy the ‘forbidden’ treat and think of it as a reward, then resume my healthy habits.
sometimes all i want is a tiny touch of sweet or chocolate. i will buy a pack of m&m’s, open them at the store, and pass m&m’s around to those who are standing near! i’ve doubled my dose of comfort, as i received my sweet fix AND witnessed the grand surprise smiles from my m&m partners!
:). Always great to hear from you!
The advice from the verses that start with ” if a child lives with criticism he learn to condem…” goes for all of us, no matter our age. Great reminder here …
It does go for all of us.
I was just threatening myself with a grounding yesterday when I realized I was criticizing myself after a long difficult day. Thank you for sharing these steps. The second one was the hardest for me, but I am happier being aware and learning to control my own life. It took a few years to just get this far, but life is so much better than it ever was. Great post!
Thank you! I hope you have a great day. 🙂
You’re welcome. You too.