In the same way that building positive momentum in your life takes time and a series of baby steps, so does building a healthy long-term relationship. Before you jump into making any of the big decisions that come with love (moving in together, engagement, marriage, children, … [Read more...]
Do You Want to Improve Your Relationship?
Do you want to improve your relationship? Start by improving you. Most people who come in for couples counseling want to change their partner. They usually have very little interest in self-growth. Their initial goal is to get the counselor to see their point of view and then to … [Read more...]
Truly Love Yourself to Truly Love Others
Letting go of harsh judgments and learning to be compassionate towards ourselves enables us to love others. Without self-compassion we go around projecting all of our own self-contempt, harsh judgments, and criticisms onto everyone else. If we love ourselves, we spread love. If … [Read more...]
Relationship Problems You Can Fix in Fifteen Minutes
What? Relationship problems fixed in fifteen minutes? Yes, you read it correctly. Although relationships can be complicated and often messy, some relationship problems do not take long to fix. With just a little knowledge, practice, and work, you can get your relationship … [Read more...]
Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships are like two hula hoops partially overlapping without one totally covering the other. They overlap and share a common area while maintaining their separate identity. Like a venn diagram, the middle is the WE. The WE is strong, but the YOU to the left and the … [Read more...]